Colour Schemes to Consider When Decorating a Room

Where do you start? What color schemes should you consider when decorating a room.
A little knowledge is essential about the theory of color. The color wheel is the place to start. If you are confident enough to experiment with color you can then practice techniques in mixing, matching, complimenting and texturing.
Color should be inspirational. Color should form the basis of the room. It is so important that you think carefully about the colors you have chosen and why you have chosen them. Remember you are going to base your furnishings around your color choices. Color should reflect your individual personality and lifestyle.
The use of color and tones can emphasize or disguise certain elements of a room, for example if you have an uneven wall texture, using deep tones of color will generally accentuate a feature whereas, a light color will help disguise it.
Sensitive choice of color will set the character and mood of a room, so it is important to get the color right. Don't forget this color maybe on your walls for a while. Think carefully about what the room is all about and what you are wanting to achieve.
Points for consideration before you decorate:
• What is the room used for?
• Who uses the room?
• When is the room used? Is it during the day, or during the evening, or both?
Consider also the light source in the room. If it is a north facing daytime room, it will have very little natural light, so go for a good strong luminous color range. Golden yellows and rosy pinks will bring the room to life as well as give the room warmth. A light south facing room however, will suit most colors, so the palette will be dictated more by the mood you wish to create for the room. An east facing room generally will get the sunlight in the morning, so when choosing your color palette go for cooling colors of green and blue. A west facing room will get the sunlight in the afternoon, here you may want to think about peach and or terracotta.
Direct sunlight is considered an ideal light source as it maintains a neutral balance between both warm and cool light. However if you are reliant on artificial light, remember that this can affect color dramatically. When you paint your color swatches therefore, paint samples on different areas such as behind a lamp you would be using on an evening. Look at the difference in color during the daytime and when the lamp is switched on.
If you have incandescent lighting, this type of light will enrich warm hues as it gives a yellow glow, whereas, a fluorescent light gives off a cool blue light which can look unflattering, so the color scheme will need to be adjusted to reflect this.
Use the color wheel for inspiration:
On the color wheel red, yellow and blue are the primary colors. By mixing these primary colors together it is possible to create a whole color spectrum. Two primary colors mixed together will produce a secondary color: for example mixing red and yellow will give orange. Mixing blue and yellow will give green. Tertiary colors are produced by mixing one primary color with one secondary color that it lies next to on the color wheel.
Warm colors are yellows, oranges, reds. Whilst, cool colors are greens, blues and blue/violets.
Color Schemes to Consider When Decorating a Room
A monochromatic room scheme refers to the use of any shade, tint or tone of one color. Although we are talking about one color, in decorating terms it describes a scheme around a single color family. The use of a monochromatic room scheme could be to use a shade of blue such as navy blue painted on the woodwork, a tone such as wedgewood blue painted on the walls and a tint such as a pastel blue painted on the ceiling.
Harmonious Colors
These colors sit next to each other on the color wheel. Yellow and orange harmonize with each other as do blue and purple. Harmonious room schemes are created by using a number of colors that have the same tonal value.
Complimentary Colors
These are colors that lie opposite each other on the color wheel. The complimentary color of yellow is purple; the complimentary color of red is green and of blue is orange. If used carefully and subtly in a room scheme, they can create the most dramatic, yet harmonious effects.
A successful use of complimentary colors is to use one as a predominant color for the walls and its opposite color for maybe the carpet or furnishings.
Be bold, be brave, give your room a shot of caffeine and don't forget that beauty is in the detail.
Then sit back and be proud of your achievement.

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