Bathroom Remodeling Doesn't Have to Break The Bank!

Next to a kitchen remodel the most expensive home improvement project a home owner can face is the remodeling of a bathroom. Of course improvements to a master bath will be more expensive than the costs associated with a second or guest bathroom.

What are some of the elements in a bathroom remodel that can be expensive but with a little effort and sleuthing can have those costs greatly reduced? Let's look at them in a logical manner starting with the least expensive. Costs saved in these other areas will go a longways to supporting the acquisition of an appropriate vanity since this one item can be the most expensive single expense in a bathroom remodel.

The three basic areas in a bathroom remodel are the toilet, the shower/tub and the vanity. Sub areas are the flooring, lighting and painting. When selecting a toilet first make sure you really need a new one or not. Often the current unit is still in good working condition and can be upgraded just through replacing the float and flapper valves. If the toilet really does need to be replaced look for used units at sources such as Habitat for Humanity. They often have new and used toilets that you can purchase for 50% or less of normal price.

Shower/tubs are tricky. If your current unit is still in relative good condition consider applying a new surface refinish. There are inexpensive kits available and many providers who will do the job for you. If you must replace the unit shop country garage sales for claw foot tubs or again look at discount salvage sources for new tubs and shower enclosures.

Flooring can be obtained rather inexpensively by searching the big box building materials stores for discontinued flooring. They often have deeply discounted floor tile both vinyl and ceramic as well as linoleum. These sales are prevalent in the days just prior to inventory time when they want to eliminate excess inventory.

For painting decide on several different color scheme options. Again go to the big box building material stores and check their "Oooops!" paints. There you will find paint that was custom mixed but the wrong color was mixed. These paints are often single gallon cans which with a proper primer should be sufficient for any bathroom. The big advantage is that the cost is often reduced by more than 50%.

Lighting fixtures are often overlooked for a savings opportunity but they do abound. Check thrift stores such as Salvation Army and Goodwill. There you will find ceiling lights, sconces and vanity lights at a savings of up to 75% off of retail price. These are brand new fixtures that have been donated and are a great value.

This leaves just the question of what to do for a vanity. As we have discussed the vanity with the mirror, cabinet, sink and fixtures can be the most expensive item in a bathroom remodel. The thing to keep in perspective is that it is often the vanity that first attracts the eye in a bathroom. Here is where the hands are washed and people take the time to examine their face in the mirror. Once you have accomplished all of the other remodel task choices you need to choose the vanity that will fit in with those decisions. There are or may be some choices for locating the proper vanity but first you need to determine what you want in a vanity. Once you have done that--check out sites online for great discount bathroom vanities. With all the selections available, you'll be sure to find the right one for your home!

Heather Mitchell is a featured author for the online store UniqueBathVanities, where not only can you find great discount bathroom vanities, but also in the style of a modern bath vanity to accent your room!

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